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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Black Gold Stranglehold?
Last Wednesday evening Jerome Corsi and Craig Smith, authors of "Black Gold Stranglehold" were on the program. They talk about the conditions of the world's oil supply. I've always felt that there was some kind of conspiracy going on in the world with respect to oil. In the program the tell how the earth has been proven to produce oil in a natural cycle. They say that we aren't rapidly using up some finite supply of oil that will be depleted in 10, 20, 50, or even 100 years.
From the book's description:
[blockquote]Experts estimate that Americans consume more than 25 percent of the world's oil but have control over less than 3 percent of its proven oil supply. This unbalanced pattern of consumption makes it possible for foreign governments, corrupt political leaders, terrorist organizations, and oil conglomerates to hold the economy and the citizens of the United States in a virtual stranglehold. There is no greater proof of this than the direct relationship between skyrocketing gas prices and the explosion of wealth among those who control the world's supply of oil.
In Black Gold Stranglehold, Jerome Corsi and Craig Smith expose the fraudulent science that has made America so vulnerable: the belief that oil is a fossil fuel and that it is a finite resource. This book reveals the conclusions reached by Dr. Thomas Gold, a professor at Cornell University, in his seminal book The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels (Copernicus Books, 1998) and accepted by many in the scientific community that oil is not a product of fossils and prehistoric forests but rather the bio-product of a continuing biochemical reaction below the earth's surface that is brought to attainable depths by the centrifugal forces of the earth's rotation.
Jerome Corsi explores the international and domestic politics of oil production and consumption, including the wealth and power of major oil conglomerates, the manipulation of world economies by oil-producing nations and rogue terrorist regimes, and the shortsightedness of those who endorse expensive conservation efforts while rejecting the use of the oil reserves currently controlled by the U.S. government.
As an expert in tangible assets, Craig Smith provides an understanding of the history of America's dangerous dissociation of the dollar with precious—and truly scarce—metals such as gold and the devastation that would be inflicted on the U.S. economy if Middle Eastern countries are able to follow through with current plans to make the euro the standard currency for oil instead of U.S. dollars.
Black Gold Stranglehold is a thoughtful work that is certain to dramatically change the debate on oil consumption, oil dependence, and oil availability.[/blockquote]
It is time that the US freed itself from dependency on foreign oil. It is time that we use our own resources in our own country. There is an abundance of oil in this country in places like Alaska, the Gulf Coast, and others. We need to take advantage of this and get out of the trap that the middle eastern countries and oil companies have set for us.
(Image courtesy of
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