Ken Andersen's blog about technology related subjects.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Ocean
Today we spent a good amount of time at the ocean. We went to a preserve area where you aren't allowed to pick up any shells or anything. I saw little crabs and sea urchins and all sorts of things in the rocks! It was fun! I also waded through the sea and let the waves hit me. It was very enjoyable. I haven't experienced the ocean very much in my life, this was probably only about the third time. The one thing that I want to do that I haven't yet is swim in the ocean. I'll...
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Sea World
We went to Sea World today. I've never been there before. I was so impressed with the Shamu show and the dolphin show. Wow! It was amazing! There are so many creatures on this Earth that I've never seen and some that I will never see. God made so many magnificant animals! Seeing Shamu jump out of the water was such an glorious thing to behold! I gained a greater appreciation for God's creations today.We only spent a few hours at Sea World because we ran out of time. We had...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Citrus fruit orchards are cool
a href=" new=false]Yes, you can tell I'm from Utah. Until today, I had never seen a citrus fruit orchard. I don't know exactly why, but I thought it was way cool to see trees with oranges growing on them! I also saw grapefruit trees and avocado trees. Oh, and by the way, fresh citrus fruit right off of the tree tastes so much better than fruit that has been sitting in the store for weeks!...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
10,000 hits! Yay! just reached 10,000 hits today! Yay! A big thanks goes out to everyone for visiting my site! Thanks for supporting me and making me feel like I'm important. I have made the decision that I'm going to keep going with the site. I am not shutting it down, it is still working and I still have fun with it. ...
Monday, May 22, 2006
Las Vegas...
So, I have now seen "Sin City." I think that it is exactly what Lehi saw in his dream in the Book of Mormon. I'm absolutely certain that he invisioned buildings like Cesar's Palace and the Flamingo, and Belagio in his dream. I saw multitudes of people handing out pornography on the streets. I saw numberless people gambling their life away on the slot machines and the blackjack tables. I also saw lions and a recreation of Manhattan, and a pyramid called Lexor. Hmmm... I don't...
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Photos from Trip Posted
a href=" new=false]Go check 'em out... I have posted the pictures that we've taken so far on our trip. [url=">Click here to see them.I'm loving the trip so far! Right now I'm sitting in our hotel in Las Vegas, just chillin' out. We are going to take it easy today since it is Sunday. Tomorrow we'll head out to Lake Mead and...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Gone to California
Not that anyone will miss me too much... but I'm going to be gone away to southern California for the next 10 days. I might not be updating the site too much during that time, not that I have that much lately anyway. I'll be back on the 30th of this month. Have fun while I'm gone and don't let your houses burn dow...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Shutting down the site...
I'm thinking about shutting down my website. It seems like people don't like to come here and post anymore. It was fun and popular for awhile, but the novelty of it has worn off it seems. Am I just posting things that are boring and that no one cares about? Is it my faul...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Has anyone ever played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? This game might just be my favorite game of all time! A close friend reminded me of how cool the game was and I started on it again. It is so fun! You are Link, the legendary hero of time, as you travel through the land of Hyrule to save Princess Zelda in an awesome adventure story. If you have never played this game,...
Softball is fun!

I have been recruited onto a softball team recently. Yesterday we won our game 16-9. I am having so much fun playing! Church softball actually starts up soon and I am way excited for it! I haven't played church softball for a very long time. I just love sports in general. They are the biggest tool that I have to keep myself in shape. Exercise alone doesn't cut it for me. Sports...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Who is this? (Part 2)

A while ago I did a "Guess Who" game and a lot of people guessed. Let's try it again! Who is this person in this picture? (Anyone who was at my house that night is disqualified from guessing...sorr...
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Hewlett Packard sucks!

Hewlett Packard has a knack for writing bad and bloated software. I was trying to install some drivers for a printer today and it just was not working. I told it to cancel the installation and it uninstalled the driver, but then it insisted that I needed to restart the computer! How annoying! I hit restart later, then left it alone. However, I forgot that I hit restart later and...
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Rainbows yesterday...
a href=" new=false]Yesterday it was raining for awhile. It really put a damper on my dad's gardening. However, look how much it was worth it! There were the coolest rainbows as the storm was subsiding! [url=">Check it out! (Photo courtesy of my dear sweet mothe...
Meet the family dogs!
I cannot believe that I've never introduced the family dogs on my website! Well, meet the dogs... The picture shown on the left is of Oxy, our sweet lovable and obedient dog. She is such a sweetheart! On the right we have Morte. He is actually Oxy's puppy, but he has grown to be almost twice the size of her. He keeps on eating and growing and getting big. We are walking him a lot now and playing with him a lot more to get him more physically fit and it seems to be working....
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